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Amistat Schedule



8am - 8.30am - Early bird drop offs


8.30am - Drop off




12 midday - lunch time (Catalan Group)

12.30pm - lunch time (English Group)


12.30pm - Toddlers are encouraged to sleep 2 hours time (Catalan Group)

1pm - Toddlers are encouraged to sleep 2 hours time (English Group)


1.45pm - 2pm - Optional pick up time (Catalan & English Group)


3.45pm -  4pm - Optional pick up time (Catalan & English Group)


4pm - 5.30pm - The Catalan group goes to Maxi and stays with Spanish and English teachers. The English Group goes to Kitowi and has a Spanish session.


5.15pm - 5.30pm - Optional pick up time in Maxi

6.15pm - 6.30 - Optional pick up time in Kitowi



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